Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I am an Original Masterpiece...

Sifting through old unread messages in my gmail account,
I came across a link that my adopted Uncle (Mr. Beckley) sent me.


It featured a skit about how difficult it would be to chisel out everything that is wrong and unGodly out of our lives. It got me thinking...how much would I have to "chisel" out in my life? Sometimes I worry if there would be anything left...

It's scary to think how much I would need to take out of what I consider "me". It's scary to see if anything recognizable of "me" would remain. The skit assured that what would be left would be an original masterpiece. The masterpiece that God intended for us to be when he created us.

I place "me" in quotation marks, because I wonder if this "me" I think I am is my old or new self, or some combination thereof? Have I truly died to my old self? Should I really hold onto these features or parts of what I have accepted to be my personality if they are not of God?

I feel that one of the biggest thing I struggle with when trying to get closer to God is fear of losing myself. I'm afraid that I won't be the Original Paula that I've grown to like over the years if I relinquish these bad things and personality traits in my life.

But if you really think about it...that's stupid. Why wouldn't I want to be a better me?
Why wouldn't I want to leave my old crappy self behind?

But I guess if it were easy, it wouldn't be that big of a deal.



Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cribs....Roman Style

Finally, it's the long-awaited episode of Cribs! I finally got around to editing it...
I thought I'd give you all a chance to see where I stay here!



p.s. We made the beginning like that because when we first arrived at our apartment we couldnt get any of our keys to work (well, except actually mine...) we've now figured out how to jiggle and turn them so it only takes a minute or two to enter... And our buzzer doesn't work for our apartment, apparently...it instead connects to another one? oops..

Friday, October 9, 2009

O, Oded...

These past few days were a blur. As I mentioned in my previous entry,
Oded Ezer came here to spread some of his typographic knowledge by giving us assignments and lectures. I got really excited about this workshop because it was more open and allowed me to work with video! Print work becomes so dull to me now that Video has entered into my life...

Yesterday we were asked to create yet another letter. This time, we worked separately.
Each of us chose one letter, and had do choose a person whose name started with that letter. Then, we had to reflect that person's style, essence or look or personality in the letter form in 3-d. Also, we had to represent this 3-d typographic sculpture in 2-d as well.

I chose "O" and Oded for my personality. I wanted to convey his style of design work (how he chooses to peel off letter forms often) as well as his layered, frayed, and densely packed personality. It was a lot of time spent into both creating the letter and the video. I presented this morning, My project and video went over really well... here it is:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This Entry is Brought to you by the Letter H.

Oded Ezer, a famous experimental typographer ( http://www.odedezer.com/ ) made the long trek from Israel to here to work with us for the next few days on typography. We were asked to do a project before he came. We were assigned to create a letterform out of any material, take it somewhere where it clearly doesnt belong as well as somewhere 'ordinary' and document it and people's reactions via photograph or film. I ofcourse chose film...

You're beautiful, Assisi...it's true.

This post is long overdue. I can readily admit this.

Upon entering Assisi it was evident...this was the most adorable town I have ever laid my naked eyes upon. Everything is cute. Peaceful. It makes Rome look like an obnoxious cousin that has a "wonderful personality".

The light here was perfect. Such a pure light...

Picture attack:

Serendipitous Sorrento, Nasty Naples, Poor Pompeii and Captivating Capri this past weekend... oh, that'll have to wait another post! A real one. with more than a few sentences...

