Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Venice, It's about time I talk about you...

I reaaaally am excited to write about Greece.

I just got back today, and it is by far my favorite place I've been to...ever. However, making up for lack of blogging is quite important so I will proceed with a few ramblings and a photo attack of epic proportions of the beautiful Venice!

Melissa and I traveled to Venice and met up with another friend of mine from school, Gaby. I was blessed to be able to see the beautiful Venice with two beautiful people. This city is SO unique because of the water, water everywhere! I've never seen any place like it!

water alley! how cool.

Realto Bridge.

This place was, for a lack of a better word....enchanting. It was so amazing how the whole city just seemed to float on this body of water.

Venetian masques! I want to host a masquerade ball in Friley... It would be splendid.
Me taking a picture of Gaby taking a picture of me taking a picture of....

It's hard to take a bad picture of this place.
A night in Venice...
I see this boy with the frog everywhere on posters in Rome... I never knew what it was called or where it was until I got here. Apparently, it is creatively called "Boy With Frog" by Charles Ray.

How romantic... ha.

Take care!




  1. Good to hear from you. Glad you had a wonderful time in Venice and Greece. The pictures are beautiful, which means being there was EVEN more amazing!


  2. Temari and I went to Venice and loooved it.
