Monday, September 14, 2009

Church Home in Rome?

Yesterday morning I was waaaay more excited and nervous than I have ever been walking to a church for the first time. I decided to hit it full force, Sunday School at 9:30am followed by Service at 10:30. I heard about this church from my instructor, but I'm sure I could have just googled "Protestant Church in Rome" and this would have come up as one of the very very few (if not only) results. Rome is the home of an astounding amount of beautifully clad Catholic churches and aren't exactly known for their blooming population of Protestants.

I was pleased to find when looking at this church on a map that I was very familiar with the location, and although a bit of a trek was a reasonable one. It would be about an hour and a half walk, however my small knowledge of the public transit aided my walk to make it a mere 45 minute commute.

On the way to church I spotted a shop that sells guitars! soooo tempting. A brand new guitar for only 50 Euro! I still can't bring myself to buy it, come se dice "used instrument store" en Italiano? I think a guitar or some sort of stringed instrument would make me feel completely complete here. My callouses are fading, and my heart is aching for more guitar...

As I arrived to church, I was greeted by a friendly looking middle-aged American looking man. We struck up a short conversation, that turned into Iowa State and football and...failure. During our conversation, a younger kid came up and struck a conversation with is. He introduced himself, and I soon found out he was from Penn State with the Architecture program! Penn State is close to my heart because it's my oldest brother's Alma matter. We talked, and made our way upstairs to Sunday School for the young adults (or, "young singles"...). We were greeted by a very inviting woman. More students piled in, which included African-Italian locals, and more Penn Staters. Class was good, and it was really cool to see how on fire for Jesus some of the people there were, including the Penn State kid I just met. It was truly a blessing.

Upon going to service, I saw the middle aged man approach the podium and I realized that he was the Pastor! The service was good, I sat by my new Penn State friends singing contemporary hymns and listening fervently and all in all I thought it was too short! When all the guests stood up at the end I looked around and saw that 1/4th of the crowed were standing up! many of them were students studying for the semester.

Everything was great except for the creepy (maybe older 50's?) guy came up to me after service and asked me if I liked spicy foods and to check him out on facebook. shuuudddeer. He also basically told me he didn't like my hair and that I should get it done by some people he knew. I told him more than 3 times that I loved my hair, I did it myself, and would like to leave. I must avoid him and his stinky breath next week.

The 4 Penn Staters invited me, and a grad student from Notre Dame (Which is adjacent to my OTHER brother's school! If that isn't a sign and a blessing from God to make me feel more at home, I don't know what it is!) to lunch, and we dined at an inexpensive place in Piazza Navona. Piazza Navona is beautiful, and a wonderful location. They all lived there, they showed me the window to their apartment! all of one apartment. All SEVENTEEN of the Penn staters in the Architecture program, male and female... all live in the same place. I don't even comprehend such insanity.

Going to church, seeing God work in people in a whole new place, meeting new friends, eating good food... All in all, it was a very good day.

Love, PJ


  1. the presence of God is everywhere. simply amazing.

    happy you found a church home (maybe, lol), and praising God for leading you to that place. 45 minutes is awhile...but at least you have somewhere to go if you'd like.

    i suggest getting extra African-American & stern w/ the creepy guy if you run into him again. He'll get the picture. :)


  2. Certainly Penn State and Notre Dame would remind you of family. We are happy about all your good experiences. We are praying for God's protection for you concerning ALL the Creepy folks you encounter (seems there are so many home and abroad.) You need to pray that God gives you the wisdom to handle each situation and submit to His direction each time.

    It is good talking with you regularly. This blog and the phone chats are virtually keeping you near us. Looking forward to seeing you on our visit to Rome in October!!!

    MOM and DAD

  3. Very cool about the church and all those Penn Staters. What are the odds? Apparently very good when you are God :)
