Saturday, September 5, 2009

So little time, so much to edit...

Dearest Friends and Family,

Roma is a wonder. This City is beautiful in so many different ways, the people are as well.
I feel that classes may actually be fun, our assignments require us to truly go out and see Rome.
There is much footage to be edited and placed on here, I'm working on it folks! Just letting you know all is well, life is good, and I'll have better updates when I get caught up on my video editing!

Enjoy this video from London as we see the changing of the guards.

Love ,


1 comment:

  1. PJ

    Thanks for the videos ... but I'm sure
    these are very time consuming to put
    together. We don't mind some occasional
    entries w/ just words (and a picture or
    two would be special too) to describe all
    that's going on in Roma.

    Love you,
    Dad & Mom
