Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rome is the closest it will feel like to home...

Hey there!

I'm sorry I wasn't able to update in Paris, I had no internet access aside from a very brief internet cafe visit to check in with the loving parents. A long, detailed France post/video to come.

But for now, I am in Rome finally settling in for the semester. it is wonderful not to have to live in my suitcase anymore. It's nice to have a semi-private bathroom too.. And this apartments and city is beautiful. While I enjoyed London and Paris, I feel that Rome is the closest I will feel to feeling "at home". It just seems right that we stay there instead of the other two cities. Each city had it's own charm, this one somehow seems...warmer. Literally and figuratively. It is ridiculously hot here, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

More later, but for now a little video including London Travels for your viewing pleasure...


  1. good music choice!

    I am looking forward to your video of rome!

    <3 ya

  2. i gave the links to yours and melissa's blogs to my sister. she watched your videos and laughed...and also said, "the hungry one always talks about food!"

  3. Hi Paula,
    I'm so enjoying your blog and videos. What a wonderful experience! Thanks so much for sharing. We're keeping you bathed in prayer. Love, Mrs. Whitaker
